Three Common Sense RV Housekeeping Tips


When your home flies down the highway at 65 miles-per-hour, things are bound to shift inside. After twelve years as a full-time nomad picking up the pieces on an almost daily basis, I’ve discovered a few lightbulb moment RV housekeeping tips for better travels. Follow along and you can prevent or fix some of the more common domestic hassles in your RV too.

RV Housekeeping Tips for Good Times on the Road

As the traveler responsible for the inside of our RV, it’s my job to deal with the results of interior RV calamities. From spoiled food in the refrigerator, to objects flying out of cabinets, and closet clothes landing on the floor, it wasn’t unusual to deal with all three in one day. But over time I’ve discovered better ways to prevent these RV domestic disasters. My three best RV housekeeping tips acquired after twelve years on the road are so simple, I can’t believe it took me this long to think of them.

Tip #1: Keep closet hangars facing forward.

best housekeeping tips for better RVing There’s nothing to buy to keep closets neat.

The only wardrobe closet in our fifth wheel trailer is in the rear and far from the axles. I’ve never ridden in back when the rig is moving, but I’m guessing there is a lot of bounce back there. That’s because each time we stop and I look inside that closet, all of our jackets are laying on the floor.

I tried using baby bungee cords to keep hangars from jumping out of the rack, but they were a major hassle. Someone suggested placing a tension bar in front of the hangers, but before I ran out to buy one, I learned one of the most “Duh!” RV housekeeping tips ever: keep all hangars facing forward, and they won’t fall out.

It worked! If there’s a physics geek out there who can offer an explanation, I would love to hear it. Meanwhile, here’s my second best housekeeping tips for better RVing:

Keep produce fresh with GreenBags®

RV housekeeping tips GreenBags save me so much mooney!

Like many fifth wheels, ours has a typical absorption RV refrigerator that cools food with a process using heat, ammonia, hydrogen gas, and water. This finicky operation method is notorious for uneven cooling that promotes humidity and speeds up the spoilage process in fruits and vegetables.

I assumed that we were stuck with the unpleasant, rotten produce surprises unless we installed a residential refrigerator in our RV. Then another RVer told me about produce bags that prevent food spoilage.

Their proper name is “Debbie Meyer® GreenBags®,” and these reusable produce bags have been around for years. The company claims that by coating the bags with “the Oya mineral form of Zeolite,” the bags keep produce fresh for as long as 30-days. The mineral absorbs ethylene gas, thought to be the major contributor of fruits and vegetables ripening and eventually spoiling.

The GreenBags live up to their promise, with the exception of tomatoes and mushrooms. Using the bags mean we make less trips to the grocery store. This is especially handy during our remote boondocking adventures when we try to eat every bit of food before heading to town. We scour the cabinets for dry camping recipes, and look in our containers that fit neatly into our pantry. This leads me to the last of my RV housekeeping tips:

Choose Square Containers

RV housekeeping tips Look for right angle food and storage containers.

RVs are usually long, rectangular containers on wheels so it makes sense that whatever you put inside will fit better if it also has right angles. Throw away round containers and remember that the best way to pack your RV kitchen is to think like a square and contain small, loose items in rectangle and square-shaped boxes. From your refrigerator to your pantry to your bathroom cabinets, you’ll conserve space and keep things tidy when you purchase right-angled storage bins that stack neatly into your cabinets.

RVing really is a simple life, but sometimes it takes going over a learning curve before you discover the best ways to make it work for you. These are my own helpful domestic tips for easy RVing, but I’m sure you have your own. Comment below and share them with us, we would love to learn your tips and tricks too.

The post Three Common Sense RV Housekeeping Tips appeared first on RV Life.


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